Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Millionaire blueprint is a scam

Like thousands of get rich quick schemes, millionaire blueprint is also promising thousands of dollars with little work and no risks, and like all the these schemes its a scam. I found out about it through a fake news site. Fake news sites are webpages that seem like actual news pages but in fact they are promoting and marketing only one product. Clicking on all the links and buttons on the page, will only lead to the webpage that they are promoting.

Millionaire blueprint is developed by Walter green, and  after earning a fortune, he feels guilty for all of us struggling people  and decided to help us make millions without getting anything in return. This is all a lie,  millionaire blueprint is a scam. On landing on its webpage you will be greeted by a video in which Walter green is pitching his product. He tells his life story and promises millions with no risk. He puts forward binary option trading as the means to get all the cash. Binary option trading is not risk free, in fact it can cause huge loses and no software has been developed thus far to make it risk free. If that was the case then everybody would have been rich and poverty would have been lifted long ago.

By just giving one glance to disclaimer it can be easily discerned that millionaire blueprint is worthless. Here is what the disclaimer says"The Millionaires Blueprint sales video is fictitious and was produced to portray the potential of the Millionaires Blueprint 3rd party signals software. Actors have been used to present this opportunity and it should be viewed for entertainment purposes. We do not guarantee income or success, and example results in the video and anywhere else on this website do not represent an indication of future success or earnings.
Information on should not be seen as a recommendation to trade binary options. provides you with links to free binary options trading software that enables you to receive free binary signals from 3rd parties. MillionairesBlueprint is not licensed nor authorized to provide advice on investing and related matters. Information on the website is not, nor should it be seen as investment advice. Clients without sufficient knowledge should seek individual advice from an authorized source. Binary options trading entails significant risks and there is a chance that clients could lose their investments. Therefore, we strongly advice that you read ours and 3rd party full terms and conditions. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.".
Its very sad to see these scams preying on vulnerable people. They know many people are going through tough times and stop at nothing to take their money. Please stay from scams like millionaire blueprint. 

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